QAM Sniffer Product Training

QAM Sniffer

QAM Leakage Detector Configuration Utility V1.0.15 file updated January 6, 2016 contains 2 setup files required to install the QAM Sniffer / QAM Shadow DDF / QAM Compass Configuration Utility V1.0.15 plus the QAM Shadow DDF firmware version 006, QAM Sniffer firmware version 006 and QAM Compass firmware version V004 update files. Download zip file, unzip the 2 setup files onto local drive, access “setup.exe” file to run installation. The 3 firmware files will be extracted into a sub-folder labeled “FW” under the root “QamSnifferDFConfig” folder created on the computer’s hard drive. Typical location: “C:\Program Files\ComSonics,Inc\QamSnifferDFConfig/”.

Includes V1.0.8 functions Firmware update capabilities and “Automatic” Frequency Correlation functionality (AFC).
V1.0.9.1 features new “Analog Offset” function for QAM Sniffer. V003 Firmware required.
V1.0.11 incorporates new “Advanced” settings including user configurable Measure and Monitor Mode Auto Timeouts for the QMA Shadow.
V1.0.12 Addressed minor communications error encountered with QAM Sniffer DF and V1.0.11
V1.0.14 Contains the ability to “DISABLE” the M3 monitoring and detection functionality which by default is enabled in current QAM firmware versions.
V1.0.15 Contains new QAM Compass V006 Firmware.

Note: This configuration file is used for QAM Sniffer DF, QAM Shadow DDF and QAM Compass products. Any previous versions of this utility must be uninstalled prior to installing V1.0.15


QAM Sniffer V006 Firmware

QAM Sniffer DF V006 Firmware update January 6, 2016.
V006 Firmware is available for download via the V1.0.15 QAM Leakage Detector Configuration Utility.
Utilize the QAM Leakage Detector Configuration Utility V1.0.15 “firmware download” option listed under “File” drop menu to update desired QAM Sniffer DF device. Navigate to the “QAM_SNIFFER_DF_BINARY_V006” file when prompted to select file during firmware update process. The M3 monitoring and detecting feature is by default enabled in the V006 Firmware. This feature can only be disabled via the V1.0.15 Configuration Utility.

V006 Firmware incorporates new operating frequency ranges for the QAM Sniffer DDF device.


QAM Sniffer Configuration Utility V106

QAM Sniffer Configuration Utility V106 Zip file containing 2 setup files.
Updated 11/21/14.
This V1.0.6 Config Utility is for use with the QAM Sniffer 612MHz (Single Frequency) models ONLY!
