ComSonics Corporate Citizenship!
At ComSonics, our employee owners have a passion not only for serving our customers to the best of our ability, but also serving our community through corporate citizenship. ComSonics has six locations, two of those are in Virginia, one in Georgia, on in Massachusetts, one in California, and one in Indiana. We support our local communities in many ways. Some of those ways include participation in a variety of United Way events, Toys 4 Tots, The Massanutten Technical sponsorship, Blue Ridge Community College scholarships, the Shenandoah Valley Technology Council, the Shenandoah Valley Workforce Development, and the James Madison University Regional Economic Recovery Series (RERS).
ComSonics has had multiple employees participate in apprenticeship programs through Shenandoah Valley Workforce Development. Wilson Reel – VA Repair Services Supervisor, and Berry Grant – VA Repair Services General Manager, accepted the Business of the Year award presented by Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) received at the annual Champions of Disability Employment Awards Celebration.
Toys for Tots
ComSonics has collected unwrapped toys at our Harrisonburg and Weyers Cave locations for the U.S. Marine Corps Stonewall Reserve for over ten years. Toys for Tots assists the Marine Corps in providing a sign of hope by distributing toys to disadvantaged children for the holidays.
United Way
ComSonics selected as 2018 Top 20 Most Generous Workplace! We started our workplace campaign in 2016 and have already contributed close to $45,000 back in to the community through United Way. ComSonics finds ways to make giving back fun through Day of Caring, book and school supply collections, and creative special events like pumpkin carving contests.
Craig Morgan Concert
As a gold sponsor for the Craig Morgan concert at the 2021 Rockingham County Fair, ComSonics was able to provide an open ticket raffle to our employees. Two winners were selected, one from our corporate Harrisonburg location and one from our manufacturing facility in Weyers Cave.
Photos provided by employee winner: Carrie H.